More Alive than a Doornail
I saw this ad online:

I used to be a doctor, and I can tell you that Botox is a neurotoxin. It really has no capacity for intelligence. Congratulations, iQ SkinTensive. You are probably
Healthier Than CANCER® as well.
I Knew It!
No wonder I've been feeling a little better lately:
Men Are Now Happier Than Women - CBS News
Watch the bottom of the screen for fine-print disclaimers. For example, the VW commercial that shows a big bald guy confronting a driver after being honked at says "Closed course. Road rage is uncool." The best one I've seen is on the Snoop Dogg/Orbit gum commercial. The school children, the British aviator chick, and the unicorn goat are all funny, but what really sells it is the "Dramatization. Orbit gum will not get you into heaven." near the end.