UPDATED: American Politics as they Ought to Be
When my roommate told me that Dick Cheney had shot a man, my initial reaction was something along the lines of:Alright! Somebody was giving him lip about torture or surveillance or some other boring 'offense,' so instead of standing there and taking it like some Western European politician, Cheney capped him right there!

Needless to say, I was more than a little disappointed when I learned that it was nothing more than a run-of-the-mill shooting accident.
UPDATE: Three best reactions to this news, gathered from comments at Scott Adams' blog:
"We need to look more closely at this....Were drugs or alcohol involved? Was Cheney carrying a valid hunter safety card....What did George Bush know and when did he know it...How long did it take FEMA to arrive on location..Where was Scooter Libbey [sic]?"
"Hunting with Dick Cheney is still safer than driving with Ted Kennedy."
And number 1:
"If shooting lawyers is wrong, I don't want to be right."
I want to know how he mistook his friend for a quail. I mean seriously, how many people even remotely resemble quails. "Well, he's a foot tall, portly and he has tail feathers, don't you think it would be dangerous to bring him quail hunting with us?" "Nah, he'll be fine... we'll use him to root out real quails."
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